
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Listen Up!!! They actually have some pearls...

If I had only known! If I had only known then what I know now...
I could have been saved so much in the way of sinning, damaging myself and hurting others. But I chose to do what I wanted and ignored the teachings. I ignored the years of my parent's investment of showing me the right way. I decided to do what was right in my own eyes and so often I ended up in one big mess.

Proverbs cries out a message over and over again,
"Hear, my son/daughter, you father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching" (1:8)
"My son/daughter, if you will receive my words and treasure my commandments within you..." (2:1)
"My son/daughter, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments." (3:1)
"Hear, O sons/daughters, the instruction of a father, and give attention that you may gain understanding..." (4:1)
Are you beginning to see a pattern.
I can remember, way back when, ignoring the teachings of my parents. I thought they just had different values than what I wanted. They really didn't understand me, my friends or what was going on. I failed to realize that their "values" were actually the formula for real "life" and they were God's values.
So now here I am a number of years later with my own kids reading Proverbs with the eyes of parent. Longing for my kids to hear - HEAR - the words of wisdom and let these words - THE WORD - be the path for their lives.
If you're one of those who believes that your own way is the right way heed the words of wisdom that are crying out to you. Don't turn your back on the wisdom of God for truly His way is LIFE!
Elaine G


Blogger sixonefour said...

I was just thinking that today...about listening to the wisdom and warnings of my parents. I'm glad that you're not the type to say 'I told you so', dear Ruth...

4:45 p.m.


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