
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A good question

There's a guy at the Centre where I work, who is a blessing and an encouragement to me. He's a client (resident) and lives a very simple life in a private room in the building. He's one of the most friendly people I've ever met and has a raw faith, which I find hugely encouraging. His name is Chris and he's loved and respected here in the Centre and out in the city, where he rides his tricycle around the streets to pass the time.
Chris once asked me to pray that his headache would go away, and then a few hours later was enthusiastically testifying to anyone that would listen that Jesus had healed him through prayer. How often do we ask for something in prayer and then forget to glorify God when we recieve it ...or worse still, credit it to "co-incidence" instead. Anyway, I love Chris and I know lots of the 614 London crew find him a blessing too.
Earlier today, he walked into my office, sat down and asked the question: "If I wear the helmet of salvation and the breastplate of righteousness, what's going to protect my legs?"
Simple question; tough answer! I took some time to explain that while the armour is very real, it's not literal in the way that he was expecting. He patiently listened as I talked a bit about the armour and how it protects us and helps us in our fight against spiritual darkness. In many ways, it was a very simple conversation and yet I was really challenged to think about how literally I take the words of Ephesians 6. Maybe it's too easy to pass it off as an analogy or a vague concept, instead of enthusiastically pursuing the need to "suit-up" and guard ourselves from (and fight against) spiritual attacks.
In an innocent way, Chris highlighted the danger of not protecting ourselves fully. If we protect our chest and head but leave our legs exposed, we could be in for trouble. The spiritual translation of that idea is very significant. If we only guard ourselves in a few areas of our life and leave ourselves exposed in other areas, it doesn't take a genius to figure out where the devil will attack first! Kinda like a trojan horse, he'll expose the weak and unprotected areas of our lives and tear the rest apart form the inside!
Thanks to Chris, I was reminded to guard my "legs"!


Blogger Jennifer said...

I love that guy too!
He's always coming up with things like this...

11:45 a.m.


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