
Monday, October 23, 2006


She plopped herself on the long L-shaped couch, grabbed the nearest shaggy blanket and took a deep sigh. The candles were lit and the smell of incense was circling throughout the house. She picked up her book and began to soak in the words on the pages. As she placed herself in the pages of the book, soft jazz music pierced the atmosphere. Her eyes closed and she began to listen to the movement of the music. Beautiful, sweet music without words.

As the trumpet played smoothly and the drummer filled the beat, God was speaking. Peace attached itself to the insence and began filling the room. Still her eyes were closed lightly and as the music played on she knew God in that moment. This was no recorded Sunday service at church her ears were tuned to, this was jazz. Still God was speaking.
All because she invited the LORD in on her time on her long L-shaped couch, listening to jazz.

Amazing what God can do with a little participation. Don't put God in a box.

Peace to you.


Blogger sixonefour said...

Could God be found outside of "Christian Contemporary" music and the Hymnal?
Is it possible?
Is it allowed?
Tell it not in Gath, proclaim it not in the streets of Ashkelon...


12:40 p.m.

Blogger Agent of Renewal said...

In whom my springs are found, let my sould meet thee there....

9:20 a.m.


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