
Friday, October 06, 2006

Combatting Fat Heart

I think I'm stuck on the fat heart thing. I've been meditating on it. Last night I kept having a recurring picture. It was of a heart that was encapsulated with layers of fat. In order for the heart to function properly the fat had to be removed. Layer by layer the fat was burned away.
I asked the Lord how do you get rid of the fat that has accumulated around our hearts. Again my thought went back to Daniel. Instead of gratifying his desires with the fat of the king's table he chose to deny himself. Oh, Oh... it sounds like a cross thing. The key to burning away fat is fasting.
So often we just say yes to whatever our impulses or desires are. I feel like a piece of pizza. I go get some pizza. I feel like watching T.V.. So I watch T.V. I feel like listening to music. I listen to music. Whatever urge or desire I have I can usually just do it. When I reflect on it I can easily just live my life responding to my own personal desires and never learn to deny myself anything. After all why should I have to. Everything I need I can get. I have the means and the access to it. But what does this kind of living do to me spiritually? Is there ever any cross bearing or self denial?
So I've started some fat burning exercises. After a hard day of house work, childcare, serving the masses when I feel like vegging in front of the T.V. I say "no" to myself and pick up a book - right now it's about a missionary in Equador - new book - and read.
When I feel like running out to a movie and munching on a big bag of buttered popcorn I say "no" to myself (until I'm in Vancouver with Danielle) and stay home and play Scrabble with Caitlyn.
When I feel like going out to eat a Big Mac I say no to myself and Hannah and go home and make a scrambled egg fajita thing. (Trying to eat healthy)
When I'm boiling hot in the summer and feel like installing air conditioning, I say "no" to myself and choose to send the money to another country to help purchase a well so a whole community has safe water to drink.
For many of us it can be a new discipline to say no to our desires. This actually can be a revolutionary practice. Say no to some impulses in your life and be led by Holy Spirit as to what the replacement should be. It may be more time in the Word. New activities, habits and adventures!
Elaine G


Blogger Jennifer said...

May we all rise to the challenge!

12:16 p.m.

Blogger Agent of Renewal said...

Ah - a game of scrabble an urge or otherwise...hmmm.

I'm convinced the spiritual disciplines are key to liberating the soul to freedom in Christ.

Keep on....

3:52 p.m.

Blogger Ryan said...

I was reading James 5:1-7 in preparation for Bible study today and read this line: "You have spent your years on earth in luxury, satisfying your every whim. Now your hearts are nice and fat, ready for the slaughter."
I'm pleased to say that's not the total content of our Bible study, but a powerful statement anyway!
I guess "low fat" is the way to go! And I'm not talking about extra-lean beaf, 0% milk, or fat-free yoghurt.
I want a fat-free heart too!

12:19 p.m.


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