
Monday, May 08, 2006

It's sweet.

My husband and I were finding that it can be quite hard to sit down and read the word/pray just right in the middle of the apartment...
You have you're floor that you need to to clean right under you.
You have that shelf right next to you that needs to be dusted.
You have the phone an arms length away, which reminds you of the people you need to call.
And on, and on...
Just this constant reminders of a never ending list of things you need to get done. Distractions, Distractions...

We decided to change this the other day. Josh (my husband) suggested, "Hey, why don't you make a little prayer room up in the loft for us to flee to for prayer and devotions?"
My husband knowing me, oh too well, struck a chord in me, and there I went to bed with ideas buliding up in my head.

Today, we have our prayer room. How beautiful it is to go into and just know that this place is the space we have no distractions, only Jesus.
Ah, how refreshing.
I suggest setting up your own little Jesus space. It's sweet.

That's it for today...


Blogger YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

wow- how did we not all think of that back in the beginning? hmm...i guess god wanted to teach something...or something...

10:51 p.m.

Blogger Rebekah Dooley said...

wow what a great idea and PTL! love you jenn and josh and the gillinghams.

2:31 a.m.

Blogger sixonefour said...

sweet idea. Glad you two are meeting together for prayer and Jesus-lovin' time.

6:59 p.m.

Blogger sixonefour said...

Don't we get to see any pictures.

6:07 p.m.


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