
Friday, January 12, 2007

Crash and.. Ah, Recovery.

Last night was Knee Drill.
One of those one's where it is really tough and you just have to keep on pressing in...
Even when it seems to be a road block-- DO NOT ENTER!!

Plus to add to that, the keyboard that Josh uses to play some tunes, which usually helps us focus on the Lord's face.... was malfunctioning. The petal wasn't working-- OH NO! Well not to any one else but to a musicians ear, it was a big Uh-Oh. Josh perservered, and I got ticked off with the petal chord. Oh well..

Then the Lord brought things back around and into focus-- Faithful.
We had some serious silent spaces, then the Lord just really stirred up some testimonies, and there you have it-- the Lord just wanted us to share with one another. Share why we were there, a testimony, to light a fire under the devils ... you get my gyst.

After that it was smooth sailin'. God of course was present and we all learned from one another.
I love seeing the body work together with it's many parts.

Open our ears Lord we want to hear you.
Peace to you.


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