
Monday, August 20, 2007

So the other day as I am working I was chatting with my new Assistant Manager while cleaning up to close the store.
We started going over some things we should get done and then we ended up chatting how helpful it is to come in in the morning and have things all ready to go-- rather than to come in to a store that really needs to be stocked and cleaned.
She started to tell me that in the old store that she worked in that they would "Set up for success"-- meaning that the people who close at night will have things ready to go for the morning group-- and the morning group will have everything prepared and ready for the afternoon group-- and so on.

I totally love this. What an encouraging thing to be doing. Getting things almost overly set up so that the others who are coming into work will be at peace. I'm sure it makes for a happier person-- which means happier co-workers and happier customers. All around it's a good deal.
So now every day I am being intentional to "Set up for success" in order to serve those coming in after me.
What a great opportunity I have. I get to be a witness through my actions.

I'm glad God shows up all over the place.
Deep Peace.


Blogger Debbie said...

Good thoughts. Clearly, each of us can do this in our everyday lives no matter what our job is. I'll be working on this.

2:08 p.m.


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